Secure password generator

Generate strong passwords with symbols, numbers, uppercase & lowercase characters using our secure password generator.


7 characters


Security level:


How to Use the Secure Password Generator

Concerned about your online privacy? Use the Textmagic Secure Password Generator to instantly create strong and personalized passwords for your online accounts. Here's how to use our random password generator:

Do you want to make a URL shorter? Well, don't worry because we've got you covered! Here's how you can use our link shortener:

  • Step #1: In order to generate your random password you must first select your criteria for generation. You must first choose the length of your password (between 5 and 16 characters). Next you can choose to include symbols, numbers, lowercase characters, or uppercase characters.
  • Step #3: The complex password generator will show you the security level of your password as you add or remove options. To ensure the privacy of your online accounts it is recommended that you create a very strong password. This can be done by increasing the length of the passphrase or by including special symbols and numbers.
  • Step #3: Click on the 'Generate password' button to create your random password. You can edit options or click on the button again to generate a new password. Click on the 'copy password' button to save it to your clipboard. We also recommend creating a master list with all your passwords in a plain text file and encrypting it with GPG, disk encryption or 7-Zip.

Why You Should Use the Secure Password Generator

A strong password is essential for protecting your personal and professional assets online. Security experts recommend using secure passwords for every website and account. Unfortunately, many users choose weak passwords (e.g., their name, birthday, or a simple sequence of numbers), which are easy to crack. Once an account is compromised, recovery can be difficult. Manually generating strong passwords can be tedious, which is why using a random password generator is beneficial.

Why We Created This Tool

We care about your online privacy and understand the pain of losing valuable information to hackers. To ensure this doesn't happen to you, we created a simple yet powerful passphrase generator.

Benefits of Using the Secure Password Generator

  • Enhanced Security: Protect your email, social network accounts, WiFi encryption, banking, and financial accounts.
  • Ease of Use: Save time and effort by not having to think of strong passwords yourself.

How Password Generation Works

Password generation is done client-side. You select your criteria, and the generation process happens on your computer using JavaScript. This ensures that your passwords are never shared with us or other users.

What Makes a Password Strong?

A strong password should be at least 15 characters long and include:

  • Special symbols like:: ! " $ ? $ ? % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = { [ } ] # @
  • A mix between lowercase and uppercase letters (e.g. XiDmDKxlArosD)
  • Random numbers (e.g. isX223Xdkd193xKss1)
  • Words that aren't in the dictionary: (quckeldovas19d##92s)

What makes a password weak?

Weak passwords typically include:

  • Your login details, username, name, or birthday.
  • The name of a friend, family member, child or any common name.

  • A word from the dictionary.

  • A variation of one of your former passwords.

  • A simple keyword pattern like qwerty, 123456 or zxcvbnm.

How to Keep Your Account Secure

The internet is full of dangers like cyber-crime, hackers, Trojans, phishing, scams, and viruses. Here are some tips to improve your account security:

  • Use a random password generator for strong passwords.
  • Use password managers such as LastPass or KeePass.
  • Avoid storing passwords in browsers.
  • Avoid accessing sensitive accounts on free wireless networks.
  • Regularly update your operating system and antivirus software.
  • Backup or encrypt passwords in different locations.
  • Never turn off User Account Control (UAC).
  • Enable two-step authentication.
  • Use a secure browser.
  • Bookmark important websites to avoid scams.
  • Log out of online accounts instead of just closing the browser.
  • Never store critical passwords in the cloud.

How Often Should I Change My Passwords?

Security experts recommend changing your passwords every 10 weeks.

Do You Store Passwords Generated with This Tool?

No, we never store passwords generated by our users. All passwords are generated directly on your computer using JavaScript, ensuring complete privacy and security.