URL Redirect Checker

Analyze URL redirections with ease. Enter the initial URL or domain name into the search box, then click the 'Check Redirects' button to view the redirection path.

Enter a URL to check its redirection status

What is a URL or Domain Name Redirect?

A URL or domain name redirect is a technique used to automatically send users from one webpage to another without any manual intervention. Redirects are commonly utilized for several purposes, including creating short links for social media, managing website changes, and tracking marketing efforts.

For example, a short URL like https://t.ly/w1lT might automatically redirect users to https://www.example.com/a-very-long-page-name. This makes sharing links easier and more efficient, especially in environments with character limits, such as social media.

Why Check Redirects?

  1. User Tracking: Redirect chains can pass through multiple intermediary pages, each potentially tracking user behavior and setting cookies. This is prevalent in affiliate marketing, where tracking codes in the URLs help attribute referral traffic correctly.
  2. Avoiding Malware: Redirects can lead to malicious sites that might harm your device. Checking the redirect path can help you avoid these risks.
  3. Validating Redirects: Web developers often need to ensure that redirects are functioning correctly. Caching issues can make this challenging, but thorough checking helps verify proper behavior.
  4. Discovering Redirect Loops: Redirect loops occur when pages redirect to each other endlessly. Identifying and fixing these loops is crucial to prevent browser errors and user frustration.
  5. Optimizing Performance: Minimizing the number of redirects can improve page load times and reduce DNS lookup overheads, enhancing the overall user experience.

How to Check for Redirects?

To check the redirection path of a URL:

  • Enter the initial URL into a redirect checker tool.
  • The tool will follow the redirect path, identifying each step and the type of redirect.
  • It will display the final destination URL once no further redirects are detected.

Understanding HTTP Status Codes for Redirects

When a webpage is requested, the server responds with an HTTP status code indicating the redirect type:

  • 301 Moved Permanently: The requested page has been permanently moved to a new URL. This type of redirect is commonly used for SEO purposes to transfer the old page's value to the new one.
  • 302 Found: Indicates that the page has been temporarily moved to a new location but may return to the original URL in the future.
  • 307 Temporary Redirect: Specifies that the page is temporarily redirected and should not be cached by the browser, as the original page will return.

Example Redirects

Use these examples to see the different types of redirects in action:

GET /about HTTP/1.1
Host: google.com
https://devlife360.com/example-301-redirect - 301 redirect
https://devlife360.com/example-302-redirect - 302 redirect
https://devlife360.com/example-307-redirect - 307 redirect
https://devlife360.com/example-multi-redirect - Multiple redirect
https://t.ly/w1lT - URL shortener redirect